The youth and politics equation
Back in 2008 after the post poll violence over 30% of kenyans voting population vowed never to vote again. Some say it is because of their vote that the country got to its knees, others say it is because of the vote that a neighbour who was more of family chose tribe as the separating factor where people got evicted from their homes and others killed but is you choosing not to vote making the situation better? I think it makes it worse.
Politics plays an important role in the development of the country. It is politics that determines how the health care will be, how the education will be, how security will be, how resources will be utilized, employment created just to mention but a few.
If we choose not to vote, the people who have now taken up the name vultures seating in positions which are meant to be filled by leaders who have the best interests, tummy, well being of the people he represents at heart ends up retaining the seat or even someone worst gets into power.
I fail to understand why kenyans are easily ‘bought’ a mp will only be a frequent visitor of his constituency when elections around the corner and he needs votes And the truth is he doesnt need the votes so that he can continue to make the lives of people he represents barable but because he/she needs to service a loan. Get a bigger car/ house, abuse his power for selfish gains.
The youth are the future of tomorrow well today was yesterday tomorrow and it is about time we gave this people a run for their money for the sake of our people who in this case are the voiceless. As much as it is said that the youth will redeem the constituency, what is needed to lead is skill, vision, talent and a track record. Do not be fooled and vote for someone because he is the youngest of them all. I would rather vote in an old person with the brains and will to deliver as opposed to the young person who will waste 5 years learning on the job. There are young people who are extremely smart and there are old people who are extremely dumb. It is argued the majority take the day. Meaning he with vison may end up a vulture after a few days. Look at some of those younglins who got into power 2007. What is the difference between them and the old people? For you to bring change to your constituency you need the right person. For the country to change we need the rigt people. If 2/3 of he people in power are like minded, the 1/3 will change. Inverse is true too:
A bad boyfriend will never make a good husband. The 200/- handout will only feed you for a day, what will you use to feed you for the remaining 4 years 364 days! For change to come we need to stand firm and do something not just talk.
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