The hand that receives $$$

The hand that receives the money is never the one that gets the job done and if the job is done, it is not upto the standards outlined on paper or orally. Maybe that is why accounting and procurement departments are very key in any establishment.

What is your excuse or that common excuse people have for not starting off projects which are well thought of and outlined on paper? What is that excuse that makes a potential doer a certified talker? What is that one thing which makes those who copy paste think it is ok to copy paste? Cash, others refer to it as capital. I on the other handbelieve capital is overrated and my mission to convert people into a mindset similar to mine has not been so successful.

So the awesome project A (on paper) will need an external boost (money) to turn the awesome project on paper into an awesome project in reality. However, how many people will maintain the awesomeness when they get thefinancial boost? A majority, a figure above 90% will compromise on the awesomeness in reality either consciously or unconsciously triggered mostly by deeds not on the plan.

For example, someone needs 30 million to realize a certain project. When they get the 30 million a few things happen:

  1. They forget to FIRST thank the person who gave them the money. Simple courtesy does wonders. Try saying THANK YOU where it is due and you will see wonders.
  2. They start spending small bits of the money in activities which were not budgeted for e.g. throwing a party to celebrate or tithing (do not shoot me, it is the truth) Let me further elaborate assuming you needed 30m to put up a structure, you tithe 10% it means you will need to get the task done with 27m. 3m spent on maters not budgeted for. How would you account for that? What effect will being 3m short have on your project? Food for thought. Thank me later.
  3. They start compromising on awesomeness in terms of delivery to fuel personal needs. For example, theproject needed 3 double cabin pickups. That someone may (now since he has money) find it okay to substitute the double cabin pickups with maybe two proboxes and an ordinary pickup. The proboxes and ordinary pickup, were there when the plan was getting prepared. They were not considered for a reason but since this someone wants to move to a more posh estate, wants to drive the dream car home in the evening, he will compromise his vision because he has the money.

My point is, very few people end up spending cash when received in a manner which was not planned for. Still riding on the pickup example above, it is important to note that, there are those who are aware they are compromising their vision, and there those who are caught off guard. Those who are aware make the decision to purchase that which was not specified so that they can have some change for the personal interests. Those who are caught off guard snap into reality after spending the money on unnecessary stuff and serious business needs to get down. They end up NOT having ENOUGH to get what is NEEDED to perform the task according to plan.

It may be a disease we all suffer from and if not sorted out now, it will end up not only tagging your name and reputation in substandard work but will also limit personal growth and make blunt the sharp thoughts you were to have in future while preparing a document for a project that could have reformed an entire industry, empowered hundreds if not thousands etc. When you receive money, you will always make new friends, you will always lose old friends and maybe the girl who was not interested in you may suddenly fall head over heels with the line ‘miracles happen’ as their defense but at the end of the day, it is how you use the money what build your integrity, boost your accountability, prove to people you are worth trusting and most importantly determine the quality ofthe end product.

The choice is in your hands, does the money received make you a demon, an angel or just who you are?


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